Tyler S. Clark, the founder of Dream Firms, brings an all-new webinar that shows you exactly how to leverage your introverted personality type to your advantage during the sales process.
Spend less time chasing prospects and more time working with your ideal clients when implementing our explosive four-step formula, known as the "C4 Sales Method."
By the end of the webinar, you will know exactly how to simplify your sales process to land better clients without using unnecessary (and ineffective) high-pressure closing techniques such as the ‘silent close.’
If growing your firm is a priority, and you recognize the importance of a sales process that focuses on your strengths, then you need to attend this can’t-miss webinar that breaks down in detail how to maximize every one of your sales opportunities. Register now!
Determine how to leverage your unique introverted personality type to your advantage (care)
Identify why your ability to ask questions is what ‘sells’ on your behalf (curiosity)
Recognize how to deliver the perfectly efficient presentation of your services (consulting)
Determine why your value pricing is falling on deaf ears + the simplest way to get to "yes" (certainty)
Dream Firms
[email protected]
Tyler S. Clark is the Co-Founder of Dream Firms, leader of the Proactive Accountants Community, a keynote speaker, and the host of Dream Firms Spotlight on youtube. After having successfully built an accounting firm from scratch, adding six figures of new growth each year with cutting edge digital marketing and ethical sales techniques before a successful exit, he is now recognized as the go-to expert for top tier strategic guidance and actionable advice for accounting professionals who are dedicated to building their dream firms. His sales and marketing webinars here on CPA Academy have earned 5-star reviews such as: "this was by far the best webinar of the year" and '...the best speaker I've listened to in a webinar'. A featured speaker and writer on platforms such as the Grow Your Firm Podcast, TaxDome, The Premier Accounting Firm, and many others, Tyler's uplifting message backed by his clients’ stellar results will have you moving towards your Dream Firm faster than you thought possible. Learn more at www.dreamfirms.com and attend one of his top-rated webinars today!
CPAacademy.org (Sponsor Id#: 111889) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
CPAacademy.org 1685 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite #205, Denver, CO 80222
Dream Firms is the digital marketing & sales coaching solution for entrepreneurial accountants.
We have one mission: Helping entrepreneurial accountants create generational wealth and impact by making their dream firms a reality.
How do we do this? By giving YOU the power to grow your firm by transforming the way you acquire your dream clients.
Join us on one of our top-rated webinars today!