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Cpece webinars
2023-2024 Federal Tax Updates for Individuals: IRS Procedure & Legislation


CPE Processing Fee$60.00
Webinar TranscriptionN/A
Presentation Length Hour(s)2.0 hours
CPE Credits 2.0 hours
Subject Area 2.0 - Taxes (Federal Tax Update)
CE Credits 2.0 hours
Course Id# - HURS9-U-01553-23-S
Course LevelBasic
Instructional MethodQAS Self-Study
Advance PreparationNone
Recorded DateNovember 22, 2023
Date OfferedNovember 22, 2023
Expiration DateNovember 22, 2024
Course Description

Seismic changes in tax legislation are taking place, and the well-informed tax practitioner will want to attend this webinar to stay abreast of these developments. This program will cover new court decisions, recent IRS publications, and the latest tax legislation impacting individuals. The remaining time will be spent on IRS procedures and other issues. This course will provide a concise look at the hottest topics affecting every tax practitioner. 

Program Content: 

Part I:  Secure Act 2.0 – Employee Provisions 

  • Changes to the Saver’s Credit 

  • Changing the required minimum distribution rules for Roth 401(k)s 

  • Changes to required beginning dates for required minimum distributions of retirement plans.  

  • Penalty-free Withdrawals for certain emergency expenses 

  • Special provisions for firefighters and military personnel spouses  

  • Increases in catch-up contributions  

  • Impact on 529 plans 

  • Opportunities for student loan payment matching 

Part II:  IRS Procedure 

  • Offers in Compromise 

  • IRS Administration 

  • Statute of Limitations 

  • Mailbox Rule 

  • Discharge of Indebtedness 

Learning Objectives: 

  • List recent court cases and Treasury publications affecting business entities

  • Identify changes to IRS procedure

  • Summarize recently issued tax court opinions and their implications for taxpayers

  • Outline upcoming tax legislation and how it might affect clients


Download any course document(s) (below) which may include handouts, glossary, transcripts, etc. Follow any prompts contained in the documents to help you complete the course. Most documents are searchable.

Play the recording, noting the sectional guides indicating where topics on the agenda are covered and the prompts to pause video playback to respond to a review question (located below the video playback area). The timestamps for review questions are also noted below.

Upon completing the video and successfully answering all review questions, you will then take the final exam.

Not logged
Handout Materials
Presentation Slides
Additional Materials
Review Questions
Review Questions
QUESTION 1: 1:14:14 minutes
QUESTION 2: 1:30:01 minutes
QUESTION 3: 1:41:01 minutes
QUESTION 4: 1:35:08 minutes
QUESTION 5: 1:00:06 minutes
QUESTION 6: 1:03:56 minutes
Frequently Asked Questions
  • CPAacademy self-study courses are online.
  • The self-study format allows you to a) access the material online 24/7 and b) study at your own pace.
  • Per NASBA guidelines, you have one year from date of purchase to complete each program.
  • Complete your final exam at any time and get graded instantly. You can retake the exam at no additional charge (unlimited attempts).
  • Print your own certificate of completion on the spot upon passing the exam.
  • Grading policies: a) courses have a minimum passing score 70% b) test takers will not be provided feedback on failed exams.
  • Upon achieving a passing score, test takers will be notified of the correct answers to the questions missed.

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Professor Allison McLeod is currently a full-time Senior Lecturer at the University of North Texas and has taught classes in Corporate Income Taxes, Multi-jurisdictional Taxation, Individual Taxes, Tax Research, Ethics and Financial Accounting. Prior to going into academia, she worked for 18 years in industry and in a Big Four accounting firm. Professor McLeod earned a law degree from Baylor School of Law, and an LL.M. degree in Taxation from Southern Methodist School of Law. She has been a licensed CPA since 1993 and has been licensed to practice law since 1992.


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NASBA Approved (Sponsor Id#: 111889) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: 1685 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite #205, Denver, CO 80222

About Our Presenter

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Allison M. (Yee) McLeod, LL.M., JD, CPA, has served as an expert witness in multi-million dollar cases involving tax litigation and accounting malpractice.

Professor McLeod is also a full-time Senior Lecturer at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas.  Her courses included Ethics, Corporate Taxation, Tax Research and Financial Accounting.